The Marnie Walker mysteries
Leo McNeir
"intelligent entertainment for the intelligent reader"


Message from Leo

It’s a well-known fact that writers often have to carry out a fair amount of research when working on, say, a novel. In my case that is certainly true, even though much of the background knowledge relates to my personal experience, such as operating a narrowboat for quite a few years. No need for much research there!

 Some readers may recall the subject matter in ‘To Have and to Hold’. For that book I had to learn about the question of ‘honour killing’. That proved to be rather a surprise and quite unlike what I initially expected. For ‘Witching Hour’ I needed to learn about Wicca. Again, a real surprise, as was my research on the amazing ‘Night Witches’ and their heroic deeds. On one occasion I even found myself immersed in the murky world of arms dealers. That, as they say, really is another story.

 I recall Dick Francis once saying that he spent about six months on research for his thrillers, followed by a further six months writing them. Of the two elements he said he enjoyed the research phase best. In many ways I can understand that.

 Yes, research can be absorbing and interesting. But on one of the books that I am currently preparing, the research has led me into areas in which I would be happy to remain ignorant, so I have turned instead to another subject and another book. I also need to press on with a short story for members of the mailing list.

 Someone once asked me if writing was a calm, stress-free occupation. I think you can probably guess my answer to that.

 Happy reading!